I are Lee Mingde and you is crazy.



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Saturday, July 08, 2006
I is Singaporean v1.1

Hi, my name is Mingde.

I live in trees and eat peppermint candy. I don't own a car, or a credit card, or a condominium, or any freehold property that is now MRT tracks. I don't know Michael Fay, Annabel Chong or the VR Man, although I'm certain they're really, really uncourteous.

I have a Prime Minister AND a President...and a Senior Minister and a Minister Mentor. I speak Engrand and JAVA, not English, and I pronounce it "flo-wer", not "flour".

I can proudly sew my mouth to avoid trouble. I believe in public caning, not multiple lifetime imprisonment; integrated resorts, not casinos; and that chewing gum is a truly vile and disgusting product.

Today is a newspaper, Tomorrow is a metablog and it is pronouced "awthonticate"; not "authenticate" - "awthonticate"!

Singapore is the most eager importer of "talents"! The first nation of acronyms! And the best part of China!

My name is Mingde! And I is Singaporean!

So say we all!

So say we all!

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Posted at 12:50 PM


You have a very interesting 'I am Singaporean' read. Great job!
By Blogger eu, at 1:38 PM  

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